Latest Outreach To The Children of Honduras

We recently conducted our monthly outreach to the children of Honduras, thanks to Pastors Manfredy and Alfonso, and a great team from Tegucigalpa! Through our monthly sponsors, Harvest Missions provides a monthly food care package to each sponsored child. In addition, school supplies are provided to each child for the entire school year. Also each child receives a special gift at Christmas time.

The monthly outreaches are not only for the sponsored children, but also for any of the children who come to the event! During each outreach the children have a special time of Bible study as well as some really fun games. A hot meal is provided for all of the children.

 I want to personally thank all of our sponsors, and the vital team members who go each month to minister to all the children of the small village. Please pray for Harvest Missions and our efforts to reach many of the children of Honduras with the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Honduras, please click the "Sponsor A Child" link above. Once again, thanks for your prayers and financial support of our ministries to India, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic!

Steve and Connie Hutto, Founders